All you need to know to win Cash Prizes !

Enter the Gangs World ! Fight to win up to
$504.59 !!

Game Rules

All you need to know !

50 Free Rounds per day !
Your account is automatically credited with 50 Free Rounds per day !
Warning : the Free Tokens have to be used that very same day. If not, you lose them !
Wanna get extra Free Rounds ?
Create or join in a Gang ! To earn more Free Rounds, Share Mafia inc. on your Facebook profile ! For more information, see the following section : Facebook Sharing Meter.
Play for free with your Free Rounds !
All players play together on the same Game Grid !
Click on the Game Grid and uncover your winnings now.
One Free Round is charged to your account for each box you uncover.
PS : when you play in free mode, the Game Grid is displayed on an orange background. Note that the free mode is the default mode when you log on to Mafia inc..
Play with Game Coins
Wanna win more ? Play with your Game Coins on the Game Grid ! Why ? First of all : your winnings are multiplied by 80 (That's right 80 !!) !
Second : You play on the exact same Game Grid than players in free mode !
To buy Game Coins, you have to recharge your account. For more information on the price of Game Coins and the different means of recharge, go to the following section : Game Coins.
In order to switch over to Game Coins mode, click on the upper right corner of the Game Grid.
The Game Grid is displayed on a green background.
Then, one Game Coin is charged to your account for each box you uncover.
Switch back to the free mode at any time by clicking on the upper right corner of the Game Grid.